About the project

Mindfulness is defined according to academic literature, as a natural human capacity, which involves observing, participating and accepting each of life’s moments from a state of equilibrium or loving kindness (Albrecht, 2018). Mindfulness is a way of training the mind to be present. It is a secular meditative practice, which involves paying attention to what is happening as it happens, and doing so with an attitude of kindness, acceptance, and non-judgment. As such, cultivating mindfulness results in greater self-awareness, and enables us to become more joyful, more empathic, and more resilient. We can learn to respond with greater wisdom and flexibility to difficult emotions and experiences, and learn to live with greater happiness and vitality.

Research in mindfulness is growing at an incredible rate. A substantial and growing body of evidence demonstrates myriad positive effects, from improvements in optimism, resilience, emotion well-being and positive relationships, to reductions in aggression, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. Research suggests that meditation and yoga may be associated with beneficial outcomes for children and youth (Greenberg and Harris, 2011). Despite the fact that mindfulness techniques could help young people who suffer from stress and anxiety or have other mental health issues, not many young people actually know how to do it. Similarly, youth workers lack the relevant knowledge and experience and feel incompetent at delivering mindfulness training. Therefore, comprehensive programs are needed in mindfulness education to help youth workers new to mindfulness share the practices with youths.

This need urges to achieve a transnational partnership among the partner institutions involved, aiming at the preparation of a comprehensive Mindfulness Training package and the training and education of youth workers, as target groups and youths as final beneficiaries. The purpose of the MINDtheYOUTH project is an international synergy between 5 European organisations with the same need - mindfulness training and youth workers' professional development towards promoting mindfulness among youth to help them embrace and practice mindfulness towards the betterment of their mental health.


1. To design, test and publish a mindfulness training package for youth workers,

2. To contribute to the professional development of youth workers in mindfulness education

3. To promote mindfulness education among youths, at the European level and internationally.

Intellectual Outputs and Activities

Four IOs which will become a mindfulness training package for youth workers’ professional development

IO1 - MINDtheYOUTH curriculum

IO2 - Guidebook on simulation scenarios for mindfulness

IO3 - Virtual Reality mindfulness app

IO4 - Simulation scenarios for mindfulness

Two training activities

C1 - Training activity for trainers

C2 - Training activity for young learners

Four multiplier events and one final international conference to disseminate project outcomes to stakeholders.

Target users

Youths suffering from stress and anxiety, and/or mental health problems

Grant no. 2020-3-FI01-KA205-092434
MINDtheYOUTH has been funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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